Apply for a grant

Scroll to the bottom of the page to make a grant application but first please read the notes on what we fund immediately below. They provide guidance on our eligibility criteria and may also help you formulate your application.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must be a constituted organisation with a bank account.
  • Reducing emissions and/or restoring nature must be a significant element of the project.
  • Applications must be accompanied by a detailed budget, including estimates from suppliers of goods and services required.
  • You must be willing to share information that will help us compile case studies for our website and acknowledge Sustainable Charlbury as a source of funding.

What we like to fund

  • Projects located within 10 miles of Charlbury (but there is some scope for funding projects further afield).
  • Practical projects that have measurable outcomes and real community benefits. 
  • Projects that have or seek matching funding – i.e., funding from other sources in addition to Sustainable Charlbury.
  • Innovative ideas, including pilot projects, as well as for the development and growth of existing projects. 


  • We do not fund individuals.
  • We do not fund activities or expenditure that have already taken place.
  • We do not fund salaries or general running costs of organisations, work promoting religious or political ideologies or sponsorships for fundraising events.

How to apply

To apply for a grant, click the button marked ‘Register/apply’. Registration is the first step in the application process but you only need to register once. To re-enter an existing application or to make a subsequent grant application, click on the button marked ‘Login’. If you have any difficulties or want more information, email us at