SusCha contributed £12,260 to help Charlbury Bowls Club upgrade and extend their facilities, focusing on reducing their energy costs and improving comfort. Our funding supported the initial thermal imaging and airtightness tests to establish a baseline, followed by a consultant’s report outlining steps to achieve net zero emissions.
With our backing, the club was able to install energy-efficient LED lighting, new windows and doors, and improve roof and wall insulation. When capital costs rose, due to inflation, threatening progress, we provided additional funds to cover the increase. We also supported the purchase of energy-efficient equipment for the bar and washrooms, including a glass washer, drinks chiller, and hand dryers.
Improved insulation
Follow up tests showed significant improvements in the club building’s thermal efficiency, with reduced heat loss through key areas. For example, airtightness, which measures how well the building is sealed against air leaks, had improved by 27%, while air leakage had decreased by 23%.
SusCha made several grants between late 2022 and early 2024. As well making the renovation more environmentally sustainable, our support has helped the Bowls Club to raise additional funds from other sources.