Dates refer to the time the grant was approved by SusCha trustees.
Contribution to the purchase of polytunnels for all season vegetable production.
Contribution to a project for carbon mapping 3 significant green spaces and 1 regeneratively farmed agriculture site close to Charlbury. The survey measured the balance between carbon sequestration and emissions at The Mill Field, Southill Solar, Wigwell Nature Reserve and FarmEd. The money was spent on analysis of soil samples.
Learning for sustainability programme.
Deer fencing to protect agroforestry strips of land.
Wychwood Paddocks ecological programme and survey.
Towards Net Zero consultancy.
Community engagement costs for nature recovery programme.
TNZ reports (air tightness tests and thermographic survey.
LED low energy lighting.
Sustainable School programme.
FCC Community Action Fund.
Knaul Earthwool 44 loft insulation.
Thermal imaging survey.
Community Workshop insulation.
Door and window replacement cost uplift – extra payment to take account of rising costs.
Wildlife and ecology programme.
Charlbury Pre-School building improvements – insulation and secondary glazing
Installation of glasswasher, chiller and handryers.
Bike rack.
Insulation and secondary glazing top-up.
Costs of pilot perfoprmance of ‘Nor any drop to drink’ – theatre performance on water quality/sewage crisis.
Pollinator Party workshop.
Restoration of wild meadow on The Mill Field – to be paid in tranches over 2/3 years.
New and replacement land management tools.
Cosy Homes Assessement and Whole Building Plan for improving the energy efficiency of the Corner House building.
Building improvements to increaae energy efficiency.
Airtightness and thermal efficiency report.
LED low energy lighting.
Heat loss survey of the Corner House.
Low energy LED lighting.
Battery installation.
Roof repair and installation, LED lighting and frost heaters.
Installation of low energy LED lighting at the school.
Further grant towards roof repair and insulation, LED lighting and frost heaters.
Cost of a propagation greenhouse to facilitate on-site cultivation of seedlings.
Secondary glazing for the Pre-School building.
2nd stage payment for the Mill Field meadow restoration project – project is taking place over 2/3 years.
Solar panels.
Wild cherry tree planting project.
Whole building plan.
Installation of secondary glazing at the Corner House.
Allotment tools.
Contribution towards the cost of the launch event of the Charlbury Year of Nature Recovery taking place at the Memorial Hall on 11th January 2025.
Retrofit specification survey.
Purchase of climate change resistant trees + guards + first aid training course.