Our story
Sustainable Charlbury (or SusCha) was founded in 2008 by a group of volunteers concerned about climate change.
We led the campaign to build Southill Solar, the solar farm located near Charlbury, which has been generating renewable electricity since 2016. The solar farm is now run by Southill Community Energy, a separate non-profit making community benefit society.
In 2018, Sustainable Charlbury became a charitable incorporated company, a legal status for charities that handle money. On behalf of Southill Community Energy, we distribute surplus revenues from the solar farm’s operations to community projects in the form of grants.
Who we are
SusCha is led by a group of trustees, all volunteers who live in Charlbury or nearby, who meet monthly to discuss grant applications. We’re always looking for new volunteers with relevant skills – please get in touch if you would like to become a trustee.
Liz Reason
Liz Reason is a co-founder of Sustainable Charlbury and Southill Community Energy. She has been a town councillor for many years and brings an environmental perspective to its decision-making.
Tim Crisp
Tim Crisp is a co-founder of Southill Community Energy, community energy developer, mediator and climate change campaigner. Tim was also a Charlbury Beer Festival director for 20 years, Charlbury Overseas & Community Projects trustee and grants secretary and town councillor.
Hugh Goyder
Hugh Goyder is an international development specialist who has seen first-hand the devastating impact of climate change on poorer communities in Africa and Asia. He is an experienced charity trustee and has lived in Charlbury since 1986.
Mark Gregory
Mark Gregory is a former BBC journalist. He has lived in Charlbury for more than 20 years and is the author of ‘Power to the People – The Story of Southill Solar’. He is active in monitoring pollution along the River Evenlode, which runs through Charlbury.
Gareth Epps
Gareth Epps was brought up in Charlbury. He is now back after several years away and has worked in campaigns, policy advice and community engagement. He has been a Charlbury town councillor as well as a councillor at various levels of local authority in other parts of the country.
Sean Hosking
Sean Hosking is Treasurer for the charity. He has lived in Charlbury since 2015 and is the father of two sons at Charlbury Primary School. He works in technology to promote consumer energy efficiency and drive behavioural change. He is interested in practical solutions for tackling climate change.